Oh by the way guys, if your serious about getting good with women then your gonna love this!
Me and a few other guys at VD are going to be putting a monthly podcast together pretty soon! We're also talking about a very special newsletter that will be comming out over the summer concerning "operation '09". A top secret and highly exclusive seminar we're going to be putting together. For the select few who get on, it will change your life.
Thats all I can say right now. Untill next time...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"operation '09" is comming
Posted by Twain* at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Don't Be Awkward... Be Brilliant: Part 2
Ok so either you've already started this short little guide to opening up or your waiting for the whole thing.
Well without further ado here it is guys....
Days 4-10: I want you to think of six random questions to ask someone. Simple enough right? Right! Then I want you to go to the city (or anywhere people walk) and walk down a different street each day. Walk by a bus stop or somewhere theres people standing, preferably people of the hot female variety! Heres what you do
1: turn your head slightly in her direction and make eye contact
2: smile... gently! Don't have a big 'ol cheesin' grin on your face unless you want to stand out as a weirdo. Gentle yet warm works best, practice if you have to.
3: turn your head back like your gonna walk past
4: just as your passing her turn back and say "hey let me ask you something" then say whatever. It really DOES NOT MATTER!
Remember, this isn't about getting her number, or impressing her (which is should never be about impressing her!), or trying to set up a date. This is about you getting out of YOUR comfort zone and talking to hot women! It's gonna be scary, your gonna think of a million reasons not to do it... but I want you to remember the one reason you HAVE to do it! Because you are a MAN! and as a man you will achieve success with women! Your gonna have to work at it.
JUST DO IT! In fact what you say here so doesn't matter that you could just walk up and say "bubba gump" and walk off and it WOULD NOT MATTER. Because its not abou whats being said, its about saying something PERIOD!
Days 11-14: Here is where you take it to the next level, instead of randomly talking with someone, your actually going to MEET someone! But here something you need to know right away. You will fail. And at first you need to fail. This may sound like the complete opposite of what you believe... but truthfully everything you know is probably wrong when it comes to dating!
Before I get into what you do in these last 4 days of breaking out of your shell let me explain why it is absolutly NECESSARY that you fail. Being shy is not fun, its not awesome, or cool, or fantastic, or attractive. Why are you shy? Because your afraid. Wether your realize it or not, your hardwired to be afraid of social rejection. Subconciously (or conciously) you will keep from saying something in fear that it might bring a negative response from the people around you. You see a long time ago this fear was needed for survival because if you offended your group of cavemen they'd shun you from the cave and you'd probably die. Well we're not cavemen anymore but these primal fears are still hardwired into our subconcious. The important thing to realize is that its ok to open up because your not gonna get kicked out of the cave! Like with any fear you have to overcome it. One way of doing this is by desensetizing yourself to it. So in the case of social rejection, you have to fail in order to overcome the fear of failing. Once you've done it over and over, its no big deal, you realize its just part of the game. Your reality starts to take the shape of "It doesn't matter that she's not into me, its her lose not mine." and it really is her lose. HER LOSE! Got that? GOOD!
Anyway, now that I've covered why you need to fail in order to succeed on with the plan!
During these last 4 days I want you to ask 5 gils each day for their number. Try to make it different times and places, you don't want one girl you just talked to see you gaming another chick a few minutes later. Try to have fun light hearted conversation, and don't think about having to get her number, it shouldn't be a goal, just something you happen to think about as you two say goodbye.
Just simply say "well I've gotta get going but here (hand her your phone), we'll catch up sometime"
If you get her number, what you do with it is up to you (I'll cover phone game later). If she doesn't give it to you then no big deal, simply take your phone, smile, wish her a good day, and away you go.
Now, do this, see what kind of success you have. If this is the first time you've actively tryed to improve your social skills your probably going to bomb pretty hard a few times. BUT ITS OK! It gets better. If your already comfortable with opening girls, and pretty good at getting numbers then this advice is NOT for you guys. If your already socially calibrated and all that jazz its obvious you don't need to do this.
But if your SHY, and you WANT success with women, then you need to go through this little 14 day program just to get out there and experience something. THEN, and only then, can you start improving with women.
You have to conquer the shyness first before you can have model status girlfriends!
Posted by Twain* at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Don't be awkward... be brilliant!
For the next few posts I'm going to focus on a certain category of guys out there who have trouble with women.
The SHY guys!
The guys who have trouble comming out of their shell and showing everyone just how awesome their personality really is!
I understand that the biggest frustration for you is the fact that even though your an awesome catch, your fear of social interaction will limit you from ever being caught by the beautiful women you deserve! (I don't use the word deserve in the typical fashion, I mean it in a somewhat different manner, more on "deserve" in another post)
If your ever going to get those women, have them chase you, be desired by the types of girls you've desired for so long... then you HAVE to get over this roadblock! HAVE TO! Not "want to" or "need to"... no, HAVE TO!
And your GOING TO! Right now from this point on your going to make a concious effort to get over this. GO!
Alright so first things first. Your on your way to becoming a social butterfly... and like any butterfly, you've got to go through the ugly, slow, boring catepillar stage. This is the stage where your gonna try some things, and probably fail (the ugly part). But with time, you'll learn how to calibrate your tone and body language with delivery of what your saying and you'll start to see success (the slow part). Then once you see that success and your good at opening up people, and to people, you may feel the need to take it to the next level (you get bored).
This is where the real fun begins... but lets not get to far ahead of ourselves.
So I've come up with a system that will take you step by step to getting out of your "shell" and becoming that butterfly. Also, this is metaphorical, you shouldn't really think of yourself as a butterfly, be a lion, or tiger! Something exciting and powerful! Personally I'd be a siberian tiger... those mofo's are badass!
Anyway on with the system! It's 14 days long. Let me break it down.
Day 1: Start this day whenever you have to go to the store for some groceries. At the checkout, simply talk to the cashier, it doesn't matter if its a guy or a girl. Just say something. If your worried about future awkwardness go to a different store from your regular one. That way they'll probably never see you again. Just smile and say the usual old "its beautiful outside isn't it" with a big smile! It doesn't matter if its pouring down! Actually this would be perfect to say in the middle of a hurricane! See where I'm going?
Day 2: Go see a movie, preferably with a friend. But don't think just because your with your friend and you have someone to talk to that it means you don't have to open other people! Before the movie ask the people in line in front of you, or behind you, it doesn't really matter.. what movie they're going to see. It's that simple. During the movie ask your friend if he wants anything and go to the concession stand, talk to the concession person, It doesn't matter what, this is just about getting you used to talking to people. If you can't think of anything be like "have you seen "such and such movie", god its awful, theres this dog, and this cat, and then two beavers show up out of nowhere with lightsabers and they have mullets! what beaver do you know that has a mullet?" Basically just exaggerate so that they know what your doing, which is joking! Or talk about how awesome it is, don't just pay for your skittles and walk off! Then after the movie as your all cramming out of the door ask someone what they thought. Its that simple! Three interactions with three different people, before, during, and after.
Day 3: PARK! Get some friends together for a game of baseball or whatever, When your there ask someone who looks bored if they want to join in, "Hey whats goin' on? we're missing a pitcher and you look like you got a mean curveball, wanna sit in?"
There answer doesn't matter, just do it. Make sure the bored person is a CUTE GIRL! No, scratch that, make sure its a smoking hot blonde with the body of a supermodel! I don't care how scared you are of talking to this girl, look at her, remember the line, then think "I'm never gonna sleep with this girl it doesn't matter, I'm not even gonna see her again after this, I'm here to have fun and get out of my shell so I'm going over there and asking her if she wants to pitch damnit!" and then JUST DO IT!
Ok I can't get into days 4-14 right now, this brazillian actress I met last week just texted me wondering if I'd forgotten our date for this evening. I actually had, good thing she reminded me!
I'll post the rest of the system asap guys. Work on days 1-3 though. They're simple and they'll get you talking to people QUICKLY!
Posted by Twain* at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I have left you guys in the dark for TOO LONG!
But I havn't been sitting on me @$$ while I was gone, OH NO!I've spent the last 6 months uncovering groundbreaking and unbelievable insight into the world of women! information that you guys can put to very very good use! I've been on the front lines gaming some super cute chicas ;).
If anyone still reads this then please send me a line at newsletter52@yahoo.com or leave a comment and let me know if you guys still want posts!
Guys its good to be back !
Posted by Twain* at 10:58 PM 1 comments