
Friday, August 8, 2008

On the brink of revolution

I've been away for quite a while, as you can see from the date of my last post.

Why so long? well, I've been thinking long and hard about the CORE of what we all like to call "game". So what's at the core of it? OOO let me tell you, amazing things. Fantastic and almost unbelievable success is at the core. And the thing is, because success is at the core, its easy to stay there once you've had some success because as we all know success breeds success. You get some success, you feel more confident, and in turn have more success! Thats how it works. The only thing in the way is those first few leaps. But its undoubtedly the simplest thing in the world to achieve once you know what to do.

So where have I been? I've been putting together all these bits of information in my head to form an end all be all resource of attraction how to!

When can you see it? I don't know yet. but it's comming guys just hold out a little longer. I'll post up on here when I have the time. Don't forget to comment and let me know what you'd like to hear about.

Untill next time, Twain

Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't be the guy riding the bicycle... really.

Lately I've been noticing more people riding bikes around town. Of course I assume this is because rising gas prices, but for some of these people it might not be that they can't pay for gas to put in the car... but they can't pay for the car itself.

Let me tell you a little story.

I was driving home one day and at an intersection across from a local college around here this kinda chubby guy rolls up on a mountain bike. He looked to be about 21, 22.. around that. He had on a BRIGHT (and I mean bright) orange shirt, it had some kind of logo on it (I wanna say dungeon and dragons just because of how nerdy this guy looked), really short khaki shorts, hiking boots and white socks pulled up to his knees. So you get the picture right? He's one of those guys that you figure has never had one single girlfriend in his entire life! Which for him is the bad news. And I felt kinda bad for him untill I realized the good news. And the good news is he's a smart guy... I could tell by the simple fact he was wearing a HELMET! And even though it adds to the geeky factor of his look, its also adds to his safety.

I'd be willing to bet that if he took those smarts and focused on them, and utilized them in other areas of his life besides mastering computer programming (he was one of those guys that you just KNOW he's a genuis when it comes to computers) that he could accomplish just about whatever he wanted. INCLUDING SUCCESS WITH WOMEN!

Moral of the story is.. guys focus on your good points and downplay your bad ones. Ok?

And alot of guys get discouraged or their motivation scatters after some people say something NEGATIVE about their strong points. heres the KEY to sticking with this no matter what people say. When people bust on you for your strong points, call them out on being jealus, because thats EXACTLY what they are. And their insecure about you being better than them at something so they feel the need to bring you down in order for them to feel better.

Remember that, because once you start up playing your good points, people WILL rag on you, even more so than before. Like if your smart and you like to use big words, people may say you act like your better than everyone else and enjoy making people feel stupid by using such big words. Just be like "look, this is who I am, I'm not insulting you by the way I talk its just how I talk, deal with it or get lost" and they'll leave you alone. Plus everyone else in the group will respect you for standing up for yourself.

I know this post didn't really have anything to do with "picking up women". BUT it is a serious INNER GAME post. It's a message to all you hardcore geeks out there that need to build security in your strong points. OH, and the ones that need to get a car and stop riding their bike! Why? Well I'll give you one VERY good reason for why! Because you can't ride your future super hot model girlfriend around on your bike! And even if you could, she probably wouldn't like it to much! So get a car guys. Let me be more specific, get a NICE car. Don't go get a run down '91 hatchback or something like that. Save up untill you can get a nice car ok.

And I just had a lightbulb moment.. I got the perfect way for you guys to get help with your style!... IF you dare... or I should say... IF you have the BALLS to do it! It'll be in the next post.

untill then, PEACE!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The difference between being you, and being casper.

And the difference is... A TAN!

Get one, don't procrastinate or make excuses. Everyone looks better with a golden brown tint.

But if your like me, you HATE tanning salons, and maybe you've never even been to one... so really you just hate the THOUGHT of a tanning salon! Heres the thing, I had never been to a tanning salon... NEVER, and I hated the thought of going to one... "well that's just to feminine! I could never do that, I'm a man I'm rough and tough and I like my hair on my chest and pasty white skin! You'll never drag me into a tanning salon! NEVERRRR!!".

Yeah I really used to think like that. But I wasn't thinking it through. Why can't a man get a tan? I mean it makes you more attractive, and even if your embarresed, its only for the 15 minutes that your at the tanning salon, then once your out and everyones looking at you there not going to be thinking "oh well he must of went to the tanning salon! that means I should stay away from him!"... That's absolutly ridiculous. And in reality their more likely to be thinking how hot you look. See today I decided to branch out a little more, and try something I'd never done before ( all in the name of becoming more attractive to women of course =) ), and I actually went and got a tan. Before today I'd never even set foot in a tanning salon, thats how much I had let my thinking limit me. But today I just said "fuck it, I'm not gonna be casper ANYMORE!". Sure I'm good with women as it is, but I'm sure I can be EVEN BETTER now that I don't look like a live in my basement and hide from the sun in fear that it'll eat me!

So seriously, do it, go get a tan if you don't already have one. In fact do it TOMORROW! Just get it out of the way so you can focus on other aspects of pickup. When you go you have two options, you can do the beds or the spray on deal if your into the slightly orange looking tint. I did the spray on, and I'm not exactly happy with it, but it's better than being extremly pale, so either way its a win-win. BUT I reccomend doing the beds (I'll be using those next time), I think they give you a MUCH nicer look.

Bottom line guys... a tan = instantly more attractive. Plain and simple.

Good luck - Twain

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wanna get good at dating?

Well, There's a new guide in the works fella's. The old ones are getting out dated and the techniques have been worn thin, so they don't work as well anymore! For info sign up to the news-letter guys! Just send an E-mail to newsletter52@yahoo.com. Be sure to include any questions you might have!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The news-letter!

Hey guys, I got some exciting news for you! I just launched the new Value Dynamics Newsletter today!

Sign up is easy, just send me an E-mail at newsletter52@yahoo.com and you'll recieve special tips and tricks for approaching, attracting, dating and keeping women monthly that arn't featured on the blog!

But whats EVEN BETTER is that when you sign up for the newsletter you get your questions answered personally by me! No generalizing here guys. It will be Completly custom and detailed advice on whatever topic you need, sent straight to your inbox. Some questions will even get featured on the blog in the monthly "Q&A W/ Twain". Just include your question in your E-mail!

I look forward to hearing from you guys soon. CHEERS!

- Twain

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Switch on the attraction!

There are certain "switches" you can flip on in a woman to make her feel attraction for you. So what are they?

1. Pre-selection. Show that you've dated beautiful women of high value before, and because of this you are unaffected by HER beauty.

2. Leader. Show you have the character needed to inspire others to follow you. It also implies some social status as people do not follow just anyone.

3. Protector of loved ones. This one is important to show her. it shows that if she were to get into a relationship with you, she would be safe.

4. Willing to emote. The ability to show her the range of your emotions is very powerful. You have to demonstrate to her very clearly that you are someone who follows they’re emotions. It just so happens that you’re emotions lead you toward being pre-selected by women, a leader of men and a protector of loved ones.

5. The willingness to walk away. In every set there is a point where you will have to show her without a doubt that you want her, but are willing to walk if she doesn’t adhere to the standards you have set for her.

6. The ability to affect her emotionally. When two people interact, and one of them has an emotional reaction while the other doesn’t, the unaffected person has more social power.

7. Identity. Who you are and what you do, can and should help your game.

8. Lifestyle. The type of life that you live, if shes with you will she be sitting at home all the time watching you eat fried chicken? Or will she enter a world where she is whisked away to a cool party with awesome people?

So how do you convey these things? Through DHV's (demonstrations of higher value). Tell stories that convey these traits and behaviors.

Another tool for attraction is throw interesting comments into the conversation (if you can relate them back to the target even better!)

You: "so tell me one interesting fact about yourself!" her: "I can't jump." You: "what? OMG your so like an elephant, elephants can't jump either! I'm so calling you "ellie" from now on" *big smile*. She'll eat this up, its always good to give fun nicknames to women with goofy backgrounds... you two will have fun 6 months later thinking about how she got her nickname!

If she's wearing an unusual amount of perfume ask her "Are you depressed about something?" her: *whatever she says*. "It's just that your perfume, Scientists at the University of Tel-Aviv, have found that girls lose sense of smell when they're depressed. This leads to them putting on more perfume!!" It's interesting, its relevant, and you can even challenge her to a smell contest where her friends judge wether you or her smell better (MAKE SURE YOU SMELL GOOD!). Keep it fun!

Yet even another tool for building attraction is the push-pull method. The idea behind this is you pull her in, then push her away, generating interest.

"your so cute....to bad ur not my type"

"You're awesome!.... You would be perfect for my friend!"

*ask her what kind of music she likes* "Eww you like listening to ---- it's ok, we don't have to tell anyone!"

"You know what, I have been here for a good 13 seconds now tho and I hav'nt seen you even try to slip anything into my drink...I think I may start to trust you...we'll see. I'm judging your performance based on Style, Smiles, and how often you giggle at my crappy jokes" *smirk/smile*

be enthusiastic when you greet her, give her a hug and say "I'm so glad you're here!!.. I was worried I'd be the worst dressed!" *big smile*

One more tool for attraction (and one of the best) is C/F. An example of this would be when a girl says she loves you for w.e reason get her with "Dont love me, just like me a hell of a lot!" =)

Untill next time... CHEERS! Twain*

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Theres a method to the madness... follow it!

Theres a method to the madness... and it goes like this. Open (approaching women), transition, attract, qualify, comfort/rapport building, seduction... and relationship (this part optional, depending on wether you take it to that or not).

I'll explain each phase and a number techniques for each one. This post will indentify the most important of these and I'll give you an opener to get some practice with.

A problem that alot of guys have when it comes to women is that they start in the wrong phase. They start in COMFORT, and because of that, girls see them as FRIENDS. You see, when theres comfort without that spark of attraction, girls just arn't... well, attracted to you. It's THAT simple. Really. So make sure to start in the right place! ATTRACTION!

Attraction, is the most important part of your interactions with women. You want to trigger attraction from the very START of an interaction with a woman. And you want to maintain it throughout the relationship. Meaning even as you build comfort keep the attraction ramped up.

To do this you need to be fun, interesting, spontaneous and confident! And you need to portray this from the start, when you open. Luckily I've compiled a list of openers to help you do this! I want you to go and try these, thats the only way your gonna get better. Heres your first one!

"hey whats up? Can you tell me where the cool girls are?" *big smile*

Keep it fun and good luck guys!

What it all comes down to!

VALUE. You have to be valuable to be liked in this world. Are you the daimond, or the chunk of coal? If your the diamond whoever gets you is gonna store you in a nice little box with plush velvet and keep you safe. People might even try to STEAL YOU from whoever has you! Thats HOW VALUABLE you are! If your the chunk of coal... you think any one will marvel at you? Of course not. Why? Because coal is everywhere, you can walk along just about any railroad track in the world and pickup coal. It's dull, dirty, and abundant! So its value is low.

Luckily, I'm on your side. I'm gonna take you and teach you how to be the diamond among the coal. Ready? Here we go.

The diamond, is what every girl wants. They LOVE diamonds. I mean think about it, you know what would happen if you give a girl a diamond... She'd open the box, her eyes would light up, she'd smile, she'd be in complete awe. What if you gave her a chunk of coal? What do you think she would do? Probably ask "is this a joke?" and be pretty upset! Well, men are the same way to women... you've got your diamonds and your coal. The diamonds are the guys who just have it, they know what their doing, and you can tell. They walk, talk, breath, and behave like there the coolest people in the world. They're Alpha males. The guys who are seen as coal to women, are your average everyday ol' run of the mill chumps. Their nice guys. and they're EVERYWHERE. Thus having NO VALUE to a woman. She doesnt want a guy whos going to compliment her constantly, and buy her flowers and chocolate or even bring her diamonds all the time. These things shouldn't be done for any woman you havn't been dating for AT LEAST 6 months. Sound crazy? Well thats because everything you THOUGHT you knew about women is wrong. Women want a man who doesnt TRY TO HARD. coal would have to try REAL hard to look like a diamond... and women would spot that instantly. They want the real deal. So you've got to stop being such a nice guy... and be an ALPHA MALE. Don't slouch when you walk, speak loudly and clearly, SMILE, act like you have the best life on earth and everyone should want to be a part of it... and soon THEY WILL! Tease women, don't compliment them. When they compliment you, tease them about how they're just trying to get a free meal out of you... Remember to be smiling! Women are flirts by nature, if you start teasing (which is basically flirting) they can't help but to flirt back. And flirting makes a woman FEEL good. So even if shes just flirting by instinct and isnt really attracted to you at first, she WILL BE, because you'll make her feel good. and she'll relate that feeling to you.... giving you VALUE.

Value is what you can do for someone or give to them. If you have value, you don't just go around offering out favors left and right to strangers, thats TRY HARD. You make people work to be your friends, then when they ask a favor of you, your glad to help! Thats value.

More on this later.

IOI's and IOD's

OK! I hear it so much, "Twain, how do I KNOW if a woman is ATTRACTED to me?". Well, theres some signs to look for man, and once you know where they are you can spot 'em a mile away! So sit back because here comes your first lesson in reading a womans actions!


She walks very close to you.
She "accidentaly" bumps into you from time to time while your walking.
She touches your arm, or shoulder, or whatever, but she touches you. this a GOOD sign.
When sitting beside you she crosses her legs so that the top leg faces towards you.
When sitting across from you she leans foreward.
She nudges you with her foot from under the table.
She laughs and smiles alot while around you.
She compliments you.
She seems genuinly interested you, for example asking lots of questions.


She walks far away from you.
Theres no "accidental bumping happening when your walking.
Shes hestitant to touch or even hug you.
When sitting beside you she crosses her legs so that the top leg faces away from you.
When sitting across from you she leans back.
She doesn't smile or laugh alot while your around.
She insults you.
She seems bored by you. looks around alot, searching for something else to do.

Remember these are INDICATORS, not iron clad proof. If you get 1 or 2 IOI's, your doin' good. BUT after you get 3 or more, your golden buddy!


Theres alot of terms in the dating world that you've probably never heard before. It's neccessary you get used to seeing these and know what they mean.

HB - Hot babe. Doesn't have to be your target. Usually follow by a number from 1 to 10 to indicate how hot the HB really is.
Target - Girl you want.
IOI - Indicator of intrest.
IOD - Indicator of disintrest.
FTC - False time contraint.
Opening - Starting a conversation with someone or a group.
Opener - The line you use to open someone or a group.
Bodylanguage - What you say with your body is a key factor in which men women chose.
Tonality - What you say with not just your words, but with your VOICE, is also a key factor.
Attraction - The feeling of being drawn to something or someone. This is what you want to create!
Comfort - Secondary to attraction.
Tease - An insult wrapped in a comment and said in a funny way to make the girl laugh.
AMOG - This stands for "alpha male of the group". and hes usually an obstacle.
Obstacle - Something getting in the way of you and your target.
AMOGGING - The act of showing up an AMOG.

I'll update this throughout the day as I remember more. For now check out the posts on each of these topics!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Overcoming The Friends Zone

THIS... is not an easy task. Even if you know what your doing. The real deal is, if you know what your doing, you shouldn't be here! Anyway, I'll explain this more later, for now, do the checklist in "get your life together". First things First!

Converation Topics

So you can't seem to find the words to say? Better question, can you find the balls to approach women? If so good, now all you have to do is get some things to talk about. Remember, when talking to women think EMOTIONS, not LOGIC.

Which means no boring questions like "where you from?" "what do you do?" "how old are you?" "whats your name?". When she wants you to know those things, she'll just say them.

For now, stick with games... those are always fun. Start talking about another couple near by and come up with a completly ridiculous but hilarious story about why their so not meant for each other. Have her chime in with her thoughts, then on to the next couple. Play the questions game, but keep them fun, like "would you date a guy in a wheelchair?" Whatever her answer bust on her, tease, play, be FUN!

Getting your life together!

Ok, so you want to be good with women! Don't we all? First things first. GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER! No woman wants to be with a guy who hasn't got it together. Don't know where to start? That's ok, because I've put together a little checklist for you, and over the next month, your going to complete it =). Sounds fun doesn't it?

1. Start lifting weights. If your in shape your going to feel and act more confident, which equals more attractive in a womans eyes. Got a home gym? Forget that! Join a real gym! We'll have no sitting on the couch getting distracted by oprah between sets! Get out of the house and get around people, talk to them, about lifting, cars, current events, WOMEN, anything, but for petes sake get out there and socialize with people. These people are your aquintances, which are potential friends. Either way they add value to you, assuming they're cool people who have it together that is!

2. What do you like to do for fun? Bike? Run? Fish? Blog? Play sports? Whatever it is, DO IT! And again, talk to the people around you. You're obviously going to have things in common with them, you're all doing the same things!

3. So once your starting to get fit and more used to talking to people, GO SHOPPING! Get some stylin' threads. (if you don't know what stylin' threads are... read my post on style for some info).

4. By now, you should be looking pretty good, feelin' even better and enjoying your hobbies. So what's next? GET SOME FRIENDS! Already got some? SWEET! Now get some new ones! I'm not saying lose your old ones, but branch out for a day. Remember the aquintances? Call 'em up sometime and make plans for the next week. If you've got some female aquintances, become better friends with them! Female friends are neccessary. So call one up, and make plans for lunch, then head out to a museum for the afternoon (if she likes art. If shes into sports, go to a game... ya know, whatevers cool.) but make sure your NOT comming across as "this is a date". STRICTLY FRIENDS... for now. In fact APPROACH WOMEN while your hanging out with her.

5. The whole time, you should be working on your personality... I'm not talking overhaul it, I mean you're you, so BE YOU. But throw in some charm, some playfullness, some wit... and slowly, but surely, you'll notice you becoming more popular around town.

So thats the basics. Get in shape, get some hobbies and some aquintances, go shopping and update your wardrobe, and increase your social circle!

Next lesson....

So whats the problem doc?

Before you can do something about the problem, you have to identify it. So lets start with that.

1. Your shy, somewhat anti-social even, you feel alot of anxiety in social situations and find it hard to talk to women.

2. You have no problem approaching women, you just can't seem to find anything interesting to talk about and the conversations tend to get stale, fast.

3. Women LOVE you! As a friend... and only a friend.

If you fall into category 1... proceed to read "getting your life together". If your in category number 2... proceed to read "conversation topics". And if your in category number 3... proceed to read "overcoming the friends zone". However, I suggest you read all three posts regardless of which category you fall into. Theres valuable stuff to be learned here!

Tired of striking out?

So theres this girl right? She's all you want, everything you need... if only you knew what to say. Or have you even tried opening up your mouth yet? Some guys don't even get that far. But theres good news! and its not "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to gieco!".. No, the good news is, THERES HELP! This blog is dedicated to frustrated, tired, fed up, lonely guys like you who keep striking out with women. Read up on this blog and the girl you keep dreaming of, the one that may seem so far out of reach you'll never even come close to getting... well she's not that far away buddy, trust me. On this blog you'll find some pretty interesting things, most of them probably counter intuitive to everything you've ever been taught about women and dating. Flowers and candy? pshh, if you wanna be alone forever, sure! You see, women speak an entirely different langauge than men. Men are logical, men think with their brain, they see 2 and 2 as 4, we do things precisely and in order. That's why alot of guys are clueless when it comes to women and dating. Women, speak the language of emotion... theres an old saying, and it goes like "don't change her mind, change her emotion." Remember that, it'll come in handy. In fact thats lesson number one! I hope your taking notes...

So this is just an introduction to the blog. Look around, learn some things, and get better at approaching women and dating. If you havn't got that part of your life handled, then its about time you start.
