
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Theres a method to the madness... follow it!

Theres a method to the madness... and it goes like this. Open (approaching women), transition, attract, qualify, comfort/rapport building, seduction... and relationship (this part optional, depending on wether you take it to that or not).

I'll explain each phase and a number techniques for each one. This post will indentify the most important of these and I'll give you an opener to get some practice with.

A problem that alot of guys have when it comes to women is that they start in the wrong phase. They start in COMFORT, and because of that, girls see them as FRIENDS. You see, when theres comfort without that spark of attraction, girls just arn't... well, attracted to you. It's THAT simple. Really. So make sure to start in the right place! ATTRACTION!

Attraction, is the most important part of your interactions with women. You want to trigger attraction from the very START of an interaction with a woman. And you want to maintain it throughout the relationship. Meaning even as you build comfort keep the attraction ramped up.

To do this you need to be fun, interesting, spontaneous and confident! And you need to portray this from the start, when you open. Luckily I've compiled a list of openers to help you do this! I want you to go and try these, thats the only way your gonna get better. Heres your first one!

"hey whats up? Can you tell me where the cool girls are?" *big smile*

Keep it fun and good luck guys!